Life can be hard. Menopause happens. Trauma is more common than people realize. It can keep a person stuck in one specific aspect of their life (i.e. not driving over bridges or risking new relationships) or it can color almost every part of a person’s life. Dr. Buysse is an experienced trauma therapist who can guide a woman through a single incident trauma such as an auto accident or longer term events like divorce or childhood developmental trauma. Additionally, Dr. Buysse can assist with the hormonally fraught transition through peri-menopause. Most importantly, she will do her very best to meet women where they are at guiding them to where they want to be.
Did you Know?
The average woman will spend one-third or more of her life in post-menopause.
Perimenopause happens 5 to 10 years before menopause with the average age for menopause from 45 to 50 years.
Symptoms can range from nearly absent to quite severe.
Peri-menopause is often accompanied by cognitive, physical and emotional symptoms that can include word recall and facial recognition difficulties, spelling difficulties (in formerly good spellers) and an inability to "see" objects that are right in front of your eyes. 75 percent of women going through perim-menopause experience sleep disturbances and hot flashes.
Some women feel like they are "going crazy" during peri-menopause.
Mid-life or peri-menopause can bring up long dormant trauma.
Menopause can be a time of rebirth or reinventing yourself.
“She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails.”